Friday, August 23, 2019

I have a choice of 2 topics. Agression or Understanding Self Essay

I have a choice of 2 topics. Agression or Understanding Self - Essay Example But the Aggression in simple terms signifies an act of hostility initiated to cause physical or mental harm or injury. An accidental harm or injury caused cannot be termed as aggression. The act of aggression is often deliberate. The type of aggression mostly stems from its causes, and hence has various forms and categories. However, in the most basic form, aggression can be categorized as physical, verbal and mental. According to Moyer (1968), Aggression or aggressive behavior can be further categorized into seven different types such as Predatory aggression, Inter – male aggression, Fear induced aggression, irritable aggression, territorial aggression, maternal aggression and instrumental aggression. However, in humans, aggression can also be caused / learned by imitation for instance, prolonged exposure to violence through media, either television; internet or video games may cause aggressive behavior in young children. Some other significant contributing factors which might lead to aggressive behavior include consumption of alcohol, mental pain or discomfort, frustration, etc. Continuous exposure to discomfort may cause irritation and provoke aggressive responses for instance, working in extreme temperatures hot / cold. There have been several researches and studies that suggest that even the presence of a violent object such as gun or knife, may trigger aggressive behavior. Gender and age also plays a significant role in stimulating anger or aggression. Various studies suggest that males are generally more physically aggressive as compared to females. This major difference is found to be the most major gender difference across all cultures and age groups. However, even young children display aggressive behavioral characteristics especially when exposed to fear, or during exposure to family conflicts as well as while undergoing mental trauma. This section describes and discusses various aspects /

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