Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Theories of Cognitive Development by Piaget and Vygotsky Essay Example for Free

Theories of Cognitive Development by Piaget and Vygotsky Essay Jean Piaget’s and Lev Semionovich Vygotsky’s theories on cognitive development both play a significant role in addressing the intellectual growth of children (Lain, 2006). Psychologists and educators alike, rely on these theories in constructing the standards by which children are being brought up and taught today. Essentially, cognitive development is the process by which our intellectual ability grows and progresses. Slavin (2003), maintains that cognitive development, â€Å"is the gradual and orderly changes that occur making ones mental process more complex and sophisticated† (as cited in Lain, 2006, Cognitive Development section, para. 1). As the children’s learning process is crucial to the development of their learning ability and critical thought process, educators must have a good grasp of these theories to fully address the children’s individual learning needs. Jean Piaget’s theory is marked by several developmental stages that define the child’s corresponding cognitive level. On the other hand, Lev Vygotsky developed the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) based on the assumption that children learn more quickly under the guidance of a more experienced adult (Maccarelli, 2006). Considered as constructivists, both renowned theorists believed that children learn by formulating new ideas by combining old ones. The Hawaii Department of Education E-School also claims that, â€Å"constructivists believe that learning is affected by the context in which an idea is taught as well as by students beliefs and attitudes† (as cited in Davison, 2006, Piaget vs Vygotsky: The Cognitive Development Theory section, para. 1). As society determines the amount of knowledge a child gains, it also sets the limit to the students’ cognitive development. However, the principal ideas between the two theorists vary greatly. Piaget strongly believed that learning occurs after development. He indicated that a child will start the learning process after the child has reached a certain developmental stage. Contrarily, Vygotsky claimed that the child develops as a result of learning. Furthermore, Vygotsky placed a large amount of emphasis on the importance of outside influence to the child’s overall cognitive development, where as Piaget barely acknowledged the significance of outside influence on the child’s development in his theorems. Moreover, while Piaget’s theory has four distinct and set standards of development, Vygotsky’s theory does not support predetermined stages at all. Instead, he stressed the importance of private speech and ZPD on the child’s development. Living in a society that is an integration of multiple cultures, classified by age, race, gender, ethnicity, religion, and economic status, each of us is a product of our social interactions to these various cultures. If we examine Vygotsky’s theory, a large part of a child’s development is placed on the input of others, it is therefore reasonable to assume that a multicultural society places a great deal of input on the child’s development. However, since a child’s development is limited to his or her surroundings, and his thoughts and ideas mainly influenced by that of his early caregivers, sometimes the child is not exposed to different cultures other than his own. This gives rise to multicultural issues that we see nowadays. And as the study of multicultural psychology is greatly concerned with exploring, understanding, and appreciating the differences in culture, based on Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theory, these multicultural issues could be avoided if children are exposed or introduced to diverse cultures early in life. References Davison, B. (2006). Piaget vs Vygotsky: The Cognitive Development Theory. Associated Content. Retrieved on January 01, 2009, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/94974/piaget_vs_vygotsky_the_cognitive_development. html? cat=4 Lain, (2006). Cognitive Development: A Comparison Between the Work of Piaget, Bruner, and Vygotsky. Associated Content. Retrieved on January 01, 2009, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/41531/cognitive_development. html? cat=4 Maccarelli, S. (2006). Vygotsky’s Theory of Cognitive Development: The Socio-Cultural Perspective. Associated Content. Retrieved on January 01, 2009, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/29997/vygotskys_theory_of_cognitive_development. html? cat=4 Uncgrad, (2006). Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development. Associated Content. Retrieved on January 01, 2009, from http://www. associatedcontent. com/article/452881/piagets_stages_of_cognitive_development. html? cat=4

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Free Essay on Nathaniel Hawthornes Scarlet Letter - Pearl as The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter essays

Pearl as The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a novel that shows the Puritanical way of life. Society does not accept the fact that Hester has committed the sin of adultery so they cast her out by making her wear a scarlet letter 'A' across her chest. Pearl is the product of Hester's sin, the scarlet letter is the product of society. This idea shows that Pearl is the scarlet letter and the scarlet letter is Pearl. There are many ways in which Pearl is shown to be as the scarlet letter because she is considered to be a part of nature, she is the physical connection between Dimmesdale and Hester, and Pearl is the reason that makes Dimmesdale and Hester to finally accept their sin and make their confession in front of society and the people within society. The reasons are listed in this manner because in the first one nature is a stronger force that human force, then comes her connection between Dimmesdale and Hester because she is the natural connection which is a link from the first on e to the second and also her being the reason Dimmesdale and Hester accepting the sin is last because there is a stronger connection between the child and the parents here which is linked from the previous reason. Pearl is a product of a natural act done by two human beings. This is the act of sex. But society considers it to be bad because there was no social contract between the parents to have that baby. But still its natural so it makes Pearl natural and cast out by society. Even her mother notices that it is society that seems to make Pearl the "evil" girl she is, "She knew that her deed had been evil; she could have no faith, therefore, that its result would be for good. Day after day she looked fearfully into the child's expanding nature; ever dreading to detect some dark and wild peculiarity, that could restore to the guiltiness to which she owed her being."( The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 86) Here what is depicted is that Pearl's evil is from her mother's "guiltiness". So if Hester has none of that guilt that came from society then she would naturally be a good girl. Also, Pearl seems to be connected to nature because there is some contact where Pearl has some kind of commun ication with Pearl.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Ethical Issue Essay

As a supporter of the idea, genetically modified babies will n t only improve newborn children's health from diseases, but also have the specifications to c hang certain features of the child. Modifying babies sounds like such a farfetched futuristic idea, when in reality, today is the future. The technology is all here, and if we don't utilize the sees advancements now while we have them, we may never get a chance to do so. With the practice CE of genetically modified babies, life will improve for the future.Genetically Modified Babies will improve human health and prevent many disc eases. With much conducted research and such little testing, the scientific community states that â€Å"genetic screening on embryos has potential to wipe out genetic disease by vi ritually removing the alleles from such disorders. When it is used in correct form[†¦ ] children boo run in the future Amoral 2 have the potentially to be purely ‘healthy† and carry no signs of genetic diseas e With the use of genetic screening, diseases caused by mutated genes or family pas seed genes could be cured.Disorders like Down syndrome, Color blindness, sickles disease, cystic c fibrosis, and Tussahs disease could all be cured and stopped, by using genetic screening. With Designer Babies, families will have a benefit in the family health line from each generate on. Families would also have better reproduction of healthier offspring because of it. With the practice of genetically modified babies, life will improve for the future. With using the technology that comes from Genetically Modified Babies, these newborns will be more improved and advanced over time.Eventually, these babies will be more smarter and intellectually intelligent than naturally babies. It is estimated that the n ewe genetically modified babies will live close to 20 years longer than us. Some crazy phenol eons state that unethically modified babies will lead to a new â€Å"super human† breed Of living 0 organisms. There is nothing wrong † [†¦ ]with the attempt to make our children smarter or kinder,' Steinbeck told Live Science. ‘If we did think that was wrong, we should give up parenting, and put them out on the street. â€Å"(Steinbeck) No parent would ever leave their child out on the street et, especially if they were more smarter and kinder than a regular newborn . With the practice of genetically modified babies, life will improve for the future. How would the future look for Designer Babies? Well, there would be a regime of technological consumer eugenics, that would benefit society as a whole. If the FDA says yes to the practice, it would be the first time a government body has supported Chain gees for humans and Amoral 3 their ascending generations.From my research, I've seen that the FDA commit tee is considering an okay in the scientific issues of the idea, however for such uses of emoticon drill manipulation and â€Å"designer† babies they're still spectacle. With the practice Of genetically m edified babies, life will improve for the future. Genetically Modified Babies, will help prevent genetic diseases and make a gar at future for the world. However, there is a lot of down faults. What if the there is a mall function in the medical process of genetic engineering, also in the designer babies process the e child can come out wrong or not how the parent wanted it.Another detriment to genetically modified babies is that these absurd theories could be true and cause humans to be inferior to t hose babies, once their race grows and develops with time. Lets look at the facts here, Genetically y modified babies, are good for stopping genetic mutations and providing health, the offspring w al improve, and it will create a new future towards life on this planet. Many people disagree, but I support the FDA in that they will decide to use the is practice everywhere and utilize this country technology.Genetically modified babies w ill increase health of the world and also bring new scientific and medical advancements. Diseases that are killing people now, will be wiped out of the human race if we had genetic engine nearing in years to come. As a society, we are forced to do the most best thing for us, and as huh mans we learn that â€Å"new' is better. Once we start advancing and tinkering with technology, we re like that it can help us with survival and the human condition on this planet.